接要: 有很多朋友想要了解wuzetian荆楚八卦号•20相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 武则天简介武则天(武曌) (624-705) 中华帝国唯一的女皇帝。杰出的女人,有绝顶的才能和超...
有很多朋友想要了解wuzetian荆楚八卦号•20相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 武则天简介武则天(武曌) (624-705) 中华帝国唯一的女皇帝。杰出的女人,有绝顶的才能和超
武则天(武曌) (624-705) 中华帝国唯一的女皇帝。杰出的女人,有绝顶的才能和超人的智慧.心狠手辣。在她再位间任用酷吏以强硬的手段统治她的王朝。取李唐江山而代之,她的王朝号(周)。 武曌本是唐太宗-李世民的才人(妃傧的一种)。李世民死后,成为唐高宗-李治的昭仪(妃傧的一种),经过长期的苦心孤诣她当上了皇后。然后再排除李氏王朝当上皇帝。 虽然在武曌她再位间任用酷吏以强硬的手段统治她的王朝,但并没损害整个中华帝国的元气,并使中华帝国顺利地进入第二个黄金时代。
关于武则天的英文介绍:In 690, Wu Zetian proclaimed herself emperor, changed the name of the state to Zhou, made Luoyang the capital, and established Wu Zhou.?Before and after the reign, “perceptive judgment”, more power strategy, good at knowing people, attaches importance to the selection of talent, the creation of the palace examination, martial arts and official examination system.?And rewarded agricultural mulberry, reform the bureaucracy. At the same time, the tang dynasty was wantonly killed, the rise of “merciless officials politics”.?Militarily, the four towns of Anxi were recovered and stabilized, and the post-Turks were once able to surrender. Old age graally extravagant arbitrary, graally born malpractice.In the first year of the Divine Dragon (705), Wu Zetian fell ill and prime Minister Zhang Jian launched the “Divine Dragon Revolution”, supporting the restoration of Tang Zhongzong and forcing him to abdication.?After the restoration of the Tang Dynasty, Zhongzong was given the , of “Ztian Great Saint Emperor”.?In November of the same year, Wu Zetian died in shangyang Palace at the age of 82. Zhongzong complied with his legacy, renamed “Ztian Great Saint Queen”, as the queen was buried in the Qianling. Subsequently, he was posthumously named “Zexun Saint Queen”.翻译:天授元年(690年),武则天称帝,改国号为周,定都洛阳,称“神都”,建立武周。在位前后,“明察善断”,多权略,知人善任,重视人材的选拔,开创殿试、武举及试官制度。又奖励农桑,改革吏治。同时大肆杀害唐朝宗室,兴起“酷吏政治”。军事上收复并稳定安西四镇,一度使后突厥归降。晚年逐渐豪奢专断,渐生弊政。神龙元年(705年),武则天病笃,宰相张柬之等发动“神龙革命”,拥立唐中宗复辟,迫使其退位。中宗恢复唐朝后,为其上尊号“则天大圣皇帝”。同年十一月,武则天于上阳宫崩逝,年八十二。中宗遵其遗命,改称“则天大圣皇后”,以皇后身份入葬乾陵。其后累谥为“则天顺圣皇后”。学好英语的方法:1、要想学好英语首先就要煅炼好自己的听力。环境 很重要,在平时选择多听,多看,比如多看些英语电影,多听些英语听力,提高听力。2、其次是要培养自己的语感。这就要求我们平时结合在听的基础上,要多说。条件允许的话,我们可以多交些外国朋友,坚持用英语交流,创造良好的语感环境。如果不能的话可以多多参与一些比如英语角之类的培训,给自己创造条件。语言是用来交流的,多说是学好英语的根本。急需武则天英文简介
Wu Zetian (simplified Chinese: 武则天; traditional Chinese: 武则天; pinyin: Wǔ Zétiān) (625[1][12] – December 16, 705[2]), personal name Wu Zhao (武曌), often referred to as Tian Hou (天后) ring Tang Dynasty and Empress Consort Wu (武后) in later times, was the only woman in the history of China to assume the , of Empress Regnant. As de facto ruler of China first through her husband and her sons from 665 to 690, not unprecedented in Chinese history, she then broke all precedents when she founded her own dynasty in 690, the Zhou (周) (interrupting the Tang Dynasty), and ruled personally under the name Sacred and Divine Empress Regnant (圣神皇帝) and variations thereof from 690 to 705. Her rise and reign has been criticized harshly by Confucian historians but has been viewed under a different light after the 1950s.Wu Zetian entered the Tang palace at 13 and became a concubine of Emperor Taizong. She did not become a favorite of Taizong’s, and after his death in 649, she might have been expected to spend the rest of her life as a Buddhist nun, like his other childless concubines. However, through an unlikely fortuity — that Empress Wang, the wife and empress of Emperor Taizong’s son and successor Emperor Gaozong, wanted another beautiful concubine to divert Emperor Gaozong’s favors from Consort Xiao, with whom Empress Wang was having a desperate struggle, Empress Wang had her brought back to the palace and made a concubine of Emperor Gaozong. Consort Wu proceeded to defeat both Empress Wang and Consort Xiao in the struggle for Emperor Gaozong’s affection, and subsequently, both Empress Wang and Consort Xiao were killed, and she was made empress. She progressively gained more and more influence over the governance of the empire throughout Emperor Gaozong’s reign, and toward the end of Emperor Gaozong’s reign, she was effectively making most of the major decisions. She was regarded as ruthless in her endeavors to grab power, and was believed by traditional historians to have even killed her own daughter to frame Empress Wang, and her own eldest son Li Hong in a power struggle. She subsequently had another son, Li Xian, deposed and exiled.After Emperor Gaozong’s death in 683, Empress Wu became empress dowager and proceeded to depose a third son, Emperor Zhongzong, for displaying independence. She then had her youngest son Emperor Ruizong made emperor, but was ruler not only in substance but in appearance as well, as she presided over imperial gatherings and prevented Emperor Ruizong from taking an active role in governance. In 690, she had Emperor Ruizong yield the throne to her and established the Zhou Dynasty. The early part of her reign was characterized by secret police terror, which moderated as the years went by. She was, on the other hand, recognized as a capable and attentive ruler even by traditional historians who despised her, and her ability at selecting capable men to serve as officials was admired throughout the rest of the Tang Dynasty as well as in subsequent dynasties.[13] In 705, she was overthrown in a coup, and Emperor Zhongzong was returned to the throne. She continued to carry the , of “emperor” until her death later in the year.最全的了…你自己选择性的截取吧~~-
有很多朋友想要了解wuzetian荆楚八卦号•20相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 武则天简介武则天(武曌) (624-705) 中华帝国唯一的女皇帝。杰出的女人,有绝顶的才能和超