指环王1 魔戒现身
接要: 有很多朋友想要了解指环王1 魔戒现身相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 指环王什么时候上映的《指环王1魔戒现身》2001年12月10日 在英国上映2002年4月4日在中国大陆上映魔戒再现是哪...
有很多朋友想要了解指环王1 魔戒现身相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 指环王什么时候上映的《指环王1魔戒现身》2001年12月10日 在英国上映2002年4月4日在中国大陆上映魔戒再现是哪
《指环王1魔戒现身》2001年12月10日 在英国上映2002年4月4日在中国大陆上映
《指环王1:魔戒再现》制片国家/地区:?新西兰 / 美国。导演:?彼得·杰克逊编剧:?弗兰·威尔士?/?菲利帕·鲍恩斯?/?彼得·杰克逊?/?J·R·R·托尔金主演:?伊利亚·伍德?/?西恩·奥斯汀?/?伊恩·麦克莱恩?/?维果·莫腾森?/?奥兰多·布鲁姆?/?更多…类型:?剧情?/?动作?/?奇幻?/?冒险语言:?英语 / 辛达林语上映日期:?2002-04-04(中国大陆)?/?2001-12-19(美国)片长:?178分钟?/ 208分钟(加长版) / 228分钟(蓝光加长版)又名:?魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身 / 指环王I:护戒使者 / 魔戒1:护戒联盟剧情简介:比尔博?巴金斯是100多岁的哈比人,住在故乡夏尔,生性喜欢冒险,在年轻时的一次探险经历中,他从怪物咕噜手中得到了至尊魔戒,这枚戒指是黑暗魔君索伦打造的至尊魔戒,拥有奴役世界的邪恶力量,能够统领其他几枚力量之戒,在3000年前的人类联盟和半兽人大军的战役中,联盟取得了胜利,并得到了至尊魔戒,数千年的辗转后,魔戒落到咕噜手中,被比尔博碰巧得到。?因为和魔戒的朝夕相处,比尔博的心性也受到了影响,在他111岁的生日宴会上,他决定把一切都留给侄子佛罗多(伊莱贾?伍德 饰),继续冒险。?比尔博的好朋友灰袍巫师甘道夫(伊恩?麦凯伦 饰)知道至尊魔戒的秘密,同时,黑暗魔君索伦已经知道他的魔戒落在哈比族的手中。索伦正在重新建造要塞巴拉多,集结无数的半兽人,准备以大军 夺取魔戒,并且征服全世界。?甘道夫说服佛罗多将魔戒护送到精灵王国瑞文希尔,佛罗多在好朋友山姆、皮平和梅利的陪同下,在跃马旅店得到了刚铎王子阿拉贡的帮助,历经艰难,终于到达了精灵王国。?然而,精灵族并不愿意保管这个邪恶的至尊魔戒,中土各国代表开会讨论,达成意见,准备将至尊魔戒送到末日山脉的烈焰中彻底销毁,佛罗多挺身而出接受了这个任务,这次,陪伴他的除了三个好朋友,还有甘道夫、阿拉贡、精灵莱戈拉斯(奥兰多?布鲁姆 饰)、人类博罗米尔、侏儒金利。?一路上,魔戒远征军除了要逃避索伦爪牙黑骑士和半兽人的追杀之外,更要抵抗至尊魔界本身的邪恶诱惑,前途困难重重指环王1魔戒现身的主题思想
哈比人佛罗多从他的叔叔比尔博那里继承了一枚戴上就可以隐形的戒指,但巫师甘道夫却说这是索伦准备以大军夺取的用来征服中土大陆的魔戒全世界。而魔戒的力量会让持有者堕落,最后只有死路一条。所以必须摧毁魔戒,一定要将它投入原先铸造它的烈焰中——位于索伦老巢魔多的末日火山。于是,佛罗多在甘道夫的指引下来到了精灵王爱隆的居所瑞文戴尔,在爱隆召开的会议中,代表中土大陆善良种族的九个人——哈比人佛罗多、山姆、皮聘、梅里,人类亚拉冈和波罗莫,巫师甘道夫,精灵勒苟拉斯和矮人金雳组成了魔戒远征队。 虽然在一路上,他们不断遇到索伦的爪牙——戒灵的围追堵截,还遇到了居心险恶的白袍巫师萨鲁曼的囚禁和可怕的炎魔怪的袭击。但由于正义力量的保护和帮助,佛罗多他们的魔戒远征队才一次次地化险为夷。而离最后的目的地越近,佛罗多的负担就越重,他必须依靠山姆和古鲁姆。魔戒会在这过程中来测试佛罗多的忠诚,本性以及他的人性本身…..
In the legend of the world of Middle Earth, Sauron forged nineteen pieces of magic and fall to one of the rings in the thousands of years ago, he put three of them to give the spirit king, seven pieces to the noble dwarves, nine to humans. In addition, in Sauron secretly cast a supreme power of the one ring, the ring and the holder can make the stealth ever-young, but the most terrible is the Lord of the rings with slavery all power on earth, it is the Solon will help the entire earth world shrouded in darkness.The world people overwhelmed, rebelled against. The alliance is composed with elves, humans and other creatures Sauron’s army launched a desperate struggle, finally succeeded Sauron returned to his lair end mountains. Sauron defeat, led his army and Chinese League final battle and the alliance has been hit.Jupiter is human Ilan Dyer, Sauron killed, the ring of power so that people in the middle time face the test of life and death. At this critical moment, Ilan Dyer’s father o picked up the broken Sayyaf Nasir had Sauron wearing the ring finger, the dark Mojun suddenly lost power, his army collapsed……The end of the war, Isilr made the ring. ELF KING Erin proposed to destroy the ring. May only take it from destroying the ring back to the end of the flames in the mountains. May the ring like a plus the Isilr clear left it as the human kingdom heirlooms, remnants of Sauron was finally noticed, Isilr was killed, the ring fell into the river Anin, until the little monster Gelunmu notice…… Golem of the ring spell, thus becoming a distorted mind, finally unbearable, he took the ring into the cave in Wulingbitong mountain……The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins into the Gelunmu cave when going out, and accidentally pulled the ring, he put the ring back home, but he never thought that he has the same to all the peoples of middle fate in my hands.Sauron inexorably hangs on. after thousands of years of silence, after graally recovered and initially revealed him to retake the ring. Already know the Lord of the rings Sauron falls on the Hobbit hands, then sent the nazgul to search for the black knight.Bilbo is already 110 years old, but he is still a few decades ago and picked up the ring as no change, but the day of the hobbits made him confused to stand aloof from worldly success are already tired of hope to go to a peaceful place, writing his autobiography, he clearly in this day to celebrate the birthday of farewell and people.Bilbo’s nephew Frodo is a gentle, really innocent boy, he in the village came to celebrate the birthday of hobbits Bilbo as guardian of grey wizard Gan Daofu……Bilbo spoke at the birthday party when using the power of the village of stealth surface disappeared. But his trick he found hiding from Gandalf, Bilbo, Bilbo himself intends to inform Gandalf, he left everything to frodo. Gandalf asked him whether including the ring, because he knew that the Lord of the rings is only the power of stealth. Bilbo though not very willing, but eventually left the ring……A premonition has informed the ring after see Gandalf, he consulted a lot of historical data, finally decided that this is the evil one ring. He put his notice informed Frodo, confound Frodo to give the ring to gandalf…… Gan Daofu persuaded the ring Frodo first to a safe place, and the deployment of Frodo’s partners Sam and him. Agreed to converge on the horse bar……Frodo and Sam embarked on a journey to escort the Lord of the rings, and they soon met two boys Pippin and Melly village……Gandalf found a white robe wizard leader Saruman, may not think Saruman has surrendered solon. He wanted to use Gandalf, was rejected after the use of force to sube him……Frodo and three partners along the way to kill the nazgul escaped the Black Knight, finally came to a bar, probably Gan Daofu, did not find the nazgul Black Knight once again fled, thanks to the vigorous man Aragon escaped before the rescue…… Aragon was originally a human descendants of the king, because do not see hope in seclusion, he knew the ring badly, then give the ring to help clear Frodo Del Levine fairy kingdom……They walk on the road once again encountered after the nazgul ride, Frodo was severely injured, life on the verge of death or destruction. At this time, a fairy princess arrived, she single-handed to Frodo to the Elven nation……The Elven king saved Frodo, Gandalf also met frodo. May the ring shadow still not disappeared, the potential decline in the spirit of the ring to ensure the safety, heavy-hearted ELF KING Eln clear please sent to other countries to discuss countermeasures.-
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